29 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

iyi şanslar notu !

Here is an out of the ordinary note... it might makes sense, and it might not....however....let's consider it an informative note...

Good night & Good luck! Iyi geceler ve iyi şanslar!

May this be a good luck charm to frame and hang? ...  Bir muska  it would mean.

Ortaköy 'den Boğaziçi Köprüsü  Istanbul (Click on the photo to Enlarge )

May the angels of fortune (şans meleği)  be with you

an evening side-way corner - Bebek Istanbul.

It other terms, good night & good luck, in Arapca, Turcke, & Ingilizce may include such simple words:

To you all I Say! One Love

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